Tutorial : Mule Creating a simplest flow using Http and Groovy component

In this example, we're going to create the simplest Mule app flow. Our flow basically consist of a Http and a Groovy component which looks like this :-

Using Groovy is optional and entirely up to developers to choose. If you're using it for simple and not so complicated task, then it is fine. Otherwise, Java gives you ability to debug through the code.
Groovy does give you direct access to message which you otherwise need to call getMessage() - [if you are to use java component ].

And here is our script looks like :-

User submits are request like this, http://localhost:3004/?username='jeremy'.

If it is jeremy, great, if not it returns invalid user.

For beginners, it's pretty hard to know what message property and types that are available.
Perhaps picture below would give a better way for newbies to work with mule in the future.


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