core integration with angular2

This is a tutorial to get your aspnet core project integrated with Angular2.  I'm using VS2015 community edition.

Code can be download from here. Press F5 and browse to http://localhost/index.html to see your Angular2 in action.

Long story ......begins.

First thing you gotta do is create an ASP.Net core project. Here I just used MVC project and click next till the project is created. I did this because this project automatically includes static files configuration in the owin pipeline. It hard to setup using blank project because you need to get the dependencies right.

Next you need to modify startup files to allow serving of index.html static files.

Next I created the package.json file. It's pretty much the same as Angular2 Quickstart example.

VS2015 might try to resolve project dependencies from now and you probably have to wait for a bit.

Add another file called tsconfig. Again copy and paste job.

Next create a gulp.js files as shown below :-

We wanted to copy the required javascript files from node_modules to a libs directory in aspnetcore's wwwroot folder.

Goto wwwroot and create file called index.html with the following contents.

Finally we need to add our angular components. Create a folder called app in wwwroot. You can copy and paste from angular quickstart cuz that's what i did.

In app folder, create app.component.ts, app.module.ts, main.ts.

Finally, we need to have our systemjs.config.js file in our project.

From the command prompt, run "npm start" -> as this process is required to start typescript automatic compilation from .ts to .js file.

If you encounter issue like TS2304 : Cannot find name 'set' - please try :

npm install --save-dev @types/core-js


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